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Chaincode (on other blockchain networks known as Smart Contract) is the network level code responsible for executing domain logic and storing the result on the distributed ledger.


BAM Ticketing chaincode contains functions that create so-called assets on the network. An asset could be a ticket, event, secondary market offer, or any other resource that's stored on the ledger and holds a value (i.e. a ticket bought on the primary market which allows entering the venue where the event takes place).

Every asset has the notion of ownership, whether it's the owner of a ticket or the organizer that created the event. Based on that ownership, the caller (or suitably called signer) is authorized to call specific functions on specific assets. For example, organizers enroll for a certificate that holds the permissions to create events and later make updates to the deployed event and tickets created for the event. When a user buys the ticket (via primary or secondary market), the ticket gets transferred to the user's wallet. Later on, only that specific user who owns the ticket can transfer the ticket to somebody else.


For a successful blockchain transaction, three API calls need to be done:

  1. POST /blockchain/v1/transaction/proposal - where the sender specifies the function and arguments and sends his proposal
  2. POST /blockchain/v1/transaction/proposal/{digest} - signing of the generated proposal digest
  3. POST /blockchain/v1/transaction/{digest} - signing of the generated transaction digest

Details on these calls are described in the transactions chapter.


Event creation

Creates event and ticket configuration assets. In case of a recurring event, the caller can send multiple event objects inside the data array. The signer must have the event.create and ticket_config.create permission for the given organizer_id inside the enrollment certificate. The tenant_name should match the name of the tenant where the blockchain service is deployed (it's used for later ticket asset creation after publishing the event on the marketplace).

permissions: event.create, ticket_config.create
    "data": [
            "id":                "uint64",
            "type":              "recurring | single | occurrence",
            "start_at":          "string (RFC3339 format)",
            "end_at":            "string (RFC3339 format)",
            "gate_time":         "string (RFC3339 format)",
            "ticket_config": [
                    "id":                           "uint64",
                    "event_id":                     "uint64",
                    "face_value":                   "decimal",
                    "quantity":                     "uint64",
                    "start_sale_at":                "string (RFC3339 format)",
                    "end_sale_at":                  "string (RFC3339 format)",
                    "currency":                     "string",
                    "kyc_required":                 "bool?",
                    "secondary_market_ruleset_id":  "string?"
            "organizer_id":      "string",
            "tenant_name":       "string"

Ticket fetching

To retrieve the ticket asset, use this method and provide the ticket asset key (composite key including the event, ticket configuration, and ticket ID).

permissions: none
    "key": "E{event_id}TC{ticket_config_id}T{ticket_id}"

Ticket transfer

To transfer one or multiple tickets to another wallet, the owner of the ticket should use this function. NOTE: the seq_num field is equal to the ticket ID.

permissions: none
    "data": [
            "seq_num":  "uint64",
            "ticket_config": {
                "id":   "uint64",
                "event": {
                    "id":   "uint64"
            "new_owner_id": "string"

NOTE: If the enable_transfer on the ticket configs SMR is set to false, the ticket transfer is not allowed.

Ticket invalidate

This function is used by a validator to invalidate the ticket on the venue entrance. The validation_time field is used to indicate at what point in time the ticket was validated (used when the tickets have start and end validity times, for example on multi-day event tickets). The signer must have the ticket.invalidate permission for the given organizer_id on the event.

permissions: ticket.invalidate
    "seq_num": "uint64",
    "ticket_config": {
        "id": "uint64",
        "event": {
            "id": "uint64"
    "validation_time": "string (RFC3339 format)"

Ticket resale (mark for sale)

The ticket owner can put his tickets for sale on the secondary market by calling this function. This function locks the ticket for the specified period pointed with the locked_until field, so it can't be transferred, invalidate or activated until it expires. When the locked_until field isn't supplied, the chaincode locks the ticket until the event start. The user needs to specify the type of sale and the price of the ticket. Optionally, in the case of a DIRECT sale, the user can specify who can buy the ticket by sending the receiver's wallet ID in the buyer_id field.

permissions: none
    "tickets": [
            "seq_num":  "uint64",
                "id":   "uint64",
                "event": {
                    "id":   "uint64"
            "locked_until": "string? (RFC3339 format)"
            "price":    "decimal",
            "type": ['DIRECT', 'MARKET', 'AUCTION'],
            "buyer_id": "string?"

NOTE: The resale is not allowed if the enable_resale flag on the SMR of the ticket config is set to false. The price of the ticket also depends on the SMR price limits. See Secondary Market Docs.

Ticket activation

When a user wants to lock their ticket so that it can only be invalidated at the venue entrance, they should call the ticket activate function. The caller can specify multiple tickets supplied in the data array field.

permissions: none
    "data": [
            "seq_num":  "uint64",
            "id":   "uint64",
                "event": {
                    "id":   "uint64"

Creating a secondary market ruleset (SMR)

The SMR allows the organizer to control ticket sales on the secondary market. SMR can be applied to ticket configs. Each ticket config can have a different SMR applied.

    "id":              "string",
    "enable_transfer": "bool?",
    "enable_resale":   "bool?",
    "organizer_id":    "string",
    "tenant_name":     "string",
    "fees":            "OrganizerFee[]",
    "price_limits":    "PriceLimit[]"
    "type":   ['PERCENTAGE', 'FIXED'],
    "value":  "decimal"


For now, fees are not yet implemented on the chaincode.

    "type":   ['MAX_PERCENTAGE', 'MAX_AMOUNT'],
    "value":  "decimal"


These are the rules when marking a ticket for sale.

  • MAX_PERCENTAGE means that face_value * value >= price
  • MAX_AMOUNT means that value >= price


  • price is the price that the user sets for the ticket on the secondary market
  • face_value is the property of the ticket config associated with the ticket
  • value is the value of the PriceLimit item
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